Saturday, January 12, 2008

Visiting Elysha - An Authentic Self Realized Teacher Of The Heart

Elysha is my heart standing outside of myself and calling me home.

I understand how that statement may sound to any cynics out there, and I am aware that there are many, so please bear with me.

Unfortunately, without actually meeting Elysha you can make many sweeping statements about Him. How you think Elysha should act, how Elysha looks, and who you think Elysha is. Always using your own judgments of yourself to project whatever negativity onto Elysha that you can, in order to disprove what He has to say.

That is what the mind is doing, in any case. Your heart, on the other hand, if allowed to show itself, will shine in all of its glory and beauty at seeing itself in motion.

So with that said, obviously it is not until you actually meet Elysha and spend some time sitting with Elysha that you come to really realize that the above statement is utterly unmistakeable and true in your own case. How could it be otherwise? Elysha is who you are and He lives it through and through in every moment. This is how Elysha is able to bring you to that same place of knowing who you are.

You will also come to realize that everything that Elysha says and calls for you to ‘do’ is for one purpose only, and that is to bring you back home to the heart via the quickest route possible.

I don’t mean that this will occur through sitting with Elysha for a day, or even two. Hell, a week in His energy may have you climbing the walls and wanting to run away.

It is after that initial stage, of mistrust and fear of losing who you ‘think you are’, has passed, through you staying in place, and letting the energy of the message penetrate until the commitment is felt to actually try and put the teaching which Elysha has to share with us to the test and 'live’ it in your day to day life, that is when the magic starts to reveal itself.

There is no ‘doing’ in the teaching, only the "stopping and dropping" of any doing and the "seeing and being" of who you are. It is only through the energetic living of this that reality hits you between the eyes. How can it be otherwise? Talking about it obviously won't change a thing. It absolutely has to be energetic.

During this time you will have many seeings and it is through those seeings that the shell in which you live, which includes the mistrust and fear of being free, starts breaking down and a glimmer of your heart starts to shine through.

I have seen many people come into contact with Elysha. Elysha has no airs of being separate or above anyone and no religious agendas are being played out, Elysha therefore can be taken for granted in a very short time. The general tendency is to initially stand in awe of Elysha and then to project all manner of issues onto Him and use that as an excuse not to listen to His message and therefore not to reap the rewards which Elysha is very passionately bestowing on us. This immature, mind oriented motion obviously has people believing that they know everything which Elysha is saying and equating their own experience with His.

Unfortunately respect flies out of the window at this stage and familiarity does its normal act of breeding contempt and it leaves you walking out the door with no more insight into what you get up to which is locking you out of your own heart. A crying shame indeed.

Again, on the other hand if you listen to your heart, stay in Elysha's company and quietly sit through the stirred up resistance of the mindbody, allowing this resistance to move through and out of the system while Elysha draws you more and more deeply into your self, you will reap such rewards that you could not ever imagine. Words are unable to express the joy and wonderment which is felt and lived from that moment on. The heart incarnating into this mindbody and onto this planet and love being lived in its fullness and freedom.

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