Fri 21st March ‘08
Nothing, literally means nothing.
To be free of the Self should not be underestimated.
Time has been shown to be necessary for the physical and physiological changes to settle into the system. There are still moments when it feels like a personification of 'The Scream' painting by Edvard Munch, but this is always a physical reaction to being around selfish behaviour. In most moments though the beauty of the flow of life is seen. Both are the same. In reality there is no difference between these two seemingly opposite reflections of life and that sameness is the beauty of seeing things as they are, not getting lost in the appearance of life.
There is still no experience arising internally so that has become the normal everyday status and is not noticed anymore. This is a blessed relief from the former turmoil which would come in cycles and throw the system from one extreme (frustration) to the other (bliss). These cycles had gotten less extreme and more subtle over the years in the Oneness/Awakened state, which brought more balance, but it was felt nonetheless.
When relaxed and the eyes close, while sitting at the Ashram, the world dissolves and it leaves the body with the head lolling about as if it is asleep. There is no-one there to hold the head up and no-one there to care. These sittings are very still and very peaceful.
If only we could all learn to live as this One, the planet would be a true delight. In time the Ashram will be a place where service alone is lived. The sooner the better. Instead of building the Self up, we will be tearing it down by simply getting out of the way and choosing the love of the Heart.
Tues 8th April ‘08
There is only peace. All else is a lie.