Monday, March 24, 2008

A Spiritual Voyage Through The Dissolution Of The Self From An Experiential Perspective - 30th Oct ’07

Below are some rough notes in diary form which may help to explain the extent to which the revelation which is shared in the Powerful Peace Program™ can cut to the core of your being and set you free from the Self.

30th Oct ’07

There began a vibrating through my being which felt that its touch would simply shatter all aspects of it. The physical was unmistakable with an internal ‘tremor’ from toe to crown. Chills coursing up and down the spine and a burning heat pulsing up after it. Heart beating wildly in the chest. The ground beneath the chair felt that it had turned to jelly and an earthquake was jerking it about, but the jelly made the jerking more of a wobble back and forth, as if sitting on an exercise ball on the deck of a ship bobbing on the ocean.

Nauseated and deeply shaken. At any moment the chair could flip forward and I would fall into nothing. The far reaching reverberations on the sense of spirituality were to a depth which I cannot explain. It felt that a shard of glass had been shoved through everything and had touched to the very core. The possibility of shattering was on the brink. There was a heavy pressure at the centre of the top of the head, as if a stake had been driven in and was burning there.

(This last sensation of the stake occurred again a couple of weeks later and lasted a week or more. The vibrating ‘tremor’ became a ‘normal’ part of life for the next few months, with the jelly floor and earthquake motion kicking in on the more intense occasions and all three (tremor/quake/jelly floor) fluctuating in intensity and getting more pronounce during intense sittings. The nausea and a woozy light-headedness also come and go fairly regularly.)